
Division of Biblical Studies

Department of English Bible and Systematic Theology

The Bible/Theology Department provides courses for every program offered at BBS. All students are required to take the Bible/Theology courses designated as core curriculum. Other Bible/Theology courses are offered to fulfill the requirements of their specific programs. Upon completion of the curriculum, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of biblical content as the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
  2. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content and interrelationships of the individual biblical doctrines.
  3. Utilize the principles of literal, grammatical and historical interpretation of Scripture for a proper understanding of truth.
  4. Integrate the principles of interpretation in the development of a sound and consistent system of theology.
  5. Comprehend and apply the truth of Scripture to all areas of faith and practice.
  6. Develop a personal set of values through consistent interpretation and practical application of Scripture.
  7. Apply the biblical principles learned in both the development of an effective ministry and in personal living.

Biblical Studies

English Bible

The following courses are foundational to all students. The purpose of these courses is to give the prospective pastor, missionary, or other church worker, the  basic Bible knowledge relative to his/her ministry in the local church.

THBD 101 Baptist Distinctives

This course is the study of those doctrines that make Baptists of a very distinctive belief system.

2 hours

THBD 102 Baptist Distinctives

Continuation of 101  Includes the study of the history of the Baptist church from practical point of view including the persecution of the church in early centuries.  2 hours

THBC 102  Bible Characters

In this course, certain persons who are contained in the Bible are used as examples of practical lessons of life and ministry  2 hours

THOT 101 Old Testament Survey

A survey of the Old Testament books beginning in Genesis until Poetic Books  2 hours

THOT 102 Old Testament Survey

The continuation of of 101 with study from the Poetic Books and ending with Malachi 2 hours

THNT 201 New Testament Survey

The survey of the New Testament from Matthew To the Pauline Epistles  2 hours

THNT 202 New Testament Survey

A continuation of 201 with study of the Pauline Epistles through the book of Revelation  2 hours

THLC 202. Life of Christ

This study is considered foundational for all other New Testament studies. Christ’s life ministry in His incarnation is examined harmonically and chronologically. The major emphasis is developing an understanding of the unfolding of Christ’s mission both as the Messiah and Savior. A brief introduction to literature in the field is also included. 2 hours

THCR 302. Biblical Creationism

This course surveys the facts from various fields of science and uses these facts to compare the validity of the two primary models of origins: evolution and creation. It is demonstrated that the biblical account of creation is the only reasonable explanation for the facts of the universe in which we live. The classic attempts at harmonizing the evolution and creation models are examined and why such an effort is both scientifically and biblically incompatible. 2 hours

THLP 401. Life of Paul

A historical study of the life of Paul is made with reference to the geography of his missionary journeys. His methods and accomplishments in establishing churches are a major emphasis.  Each epistle is viewed in the context in which it was written. Special emphasis is also given to the occasion, purpose and characteristics of each epistle. 2 hours

THPR 401 Prophecy

This course deals with those areas of the Bible that are yet to come in the future in relation to the Christian, the church and rapture at the end of the age. 2 hours.

THPR 402 Prophecy

Continuation of 401  2 hours

Biblical Studies

Systematic Theology

The courses of the Theology Department guide the student in understanding the Word of God as absolute truth through a systematic study of each doctrine. This department also assists the student in making practical application of these truths to the ministry and everyday life.

THDC 101. Doctrine I

This course includes the basic fundamentals of the major doctrines of theology. The areas of study are Bibliology, Theology Proper, Pneumatology, Soteriology and Ecclesiology. It gives a general understanding of Bible doctrines to those who are not called into the pastoral ministry. 4 hours

THDC 102. Doctrine II

This course is a continuation of  101 and includes Christology, Anthropology, Hamartiology, Angelology and Eschatology. 4 hours

THET 301. Elemental Theology

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of the Scriptures. It includes such areas as revelation, inspiration, illumination, canonicity and preservation of the Scriptures. The course also includes the doctrine of God, which covers such areas as His existence, essence, attributes and works. 4 hours

THET 302  Elemental Theology

This course is a continuation of 301.  It includes Christology, a  study of the doctrine of Jesus Christ in regard to His eternal existence and essence, incarnation, uniqueness as the God-man, impeccability, death, resurrection and ascension. It also explains the work of Christ from the Creation until the present time.  Also Included is Ecclesiology. A study of the doctrine of the local church. It includes such areas as origin, distinctive nature for this present age, organization, government, ordinances and the specific role of the pastor. 4 hours

THET 401 Elemental Theology

This course includes Anthropology and Hamartiology.  A study of the doctrine of man including his creation, nature and fall. The doctrine of sin is studied in regard to its origin, transmission and ultimate consequences. It also includes Soteriology. A study of the doctrine of salvation beginning with the accomplishments of the cross to the final glorification of the believer. Specific areas of study include unlimited atonement, election, regeneration, sanctification, eternal security and glorification.  4 hours

THET 402 Elemental Theology

This course is a continuation of  401.  It includes Pneumatology.  A study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It examines the person and deity of the Holy Spirit, as well as the work of the Spirit in regard to the Lord Jesus, mankind in general, Old Testament believers, New Testament believers and future ministry.  It also includes Eschatology.  It enlarges the student’s knowledge and comprehension relative to prophetic portions of Scripture. Methods of interpretation, the Divine covenants made with Israel, prophecies pertaining to Gentile nations, the Church, the tribulation, the millennium and final judgment are some of the themes discussed. Various eschatological positions are analyzed. This course is taught from a premillennial, pretribulational viewpoint.  4 hours

THCT 401. Cults

The major cults of the Philippines are examined with reference to their origin, development, doctrine and practice. Their effect on the religious culture of the Philippines is emphasized. 2 hours

THCT 402  Cults

This course is a continuation of THCT 401

Department of Pastoral Studies and Practical Theology

Pastoral Studies

Pastoral Studies is the designation for the courses which prepare graduates to fulfill their ministries as a pastor or an assistant pastor in the local church. Courses that apply to any missionary or church ministry area would be considered Practical Theology.

PTPT 201 Pastoral Theology

This course is preparatory to the concepts of leadership and ministry.  To encourage the development of attitude of what the position of leadership in the Church.   2 hours

PTPT 202 Pastoral Theology

Continuation of 201  2 hours

PTHO 201. Homiletics

This course teaches the student the principles and methods involved in preparing and delivering a sermon. Various types of sermons are studied. 2 hours

PTHO 202 Homiletics

A continuation of PTHO 201

PTHE 201. Hermeneutics I

This course aids the student toward understanding and achieving proficiency in the science and art of biblical interpretation. The principles of the literal, historical, grammatical and contextual method of interpretation are discussed and established as being correct. Application of these proper hermeneutical principles is practiced throughout the semester as various passages of Scripture are interpreted. 2 hours

PTCPF 201. Church and Personal Finance

This course provides the student with the ability to create and maintain sound principles of leadership in regard to church business and finances. There is a heavy emphasis on legal and ethical considerations. The student learns how to set up and maintain a budget, handle legal documents, cash flow techniques, tax considerations and human resource issues. 2 hours

PTYT 201. Philosophy of Youth Ministry

This course helps the student understand some humanistic philosophies and how they contrast to biblical philosophy. Students are challenged to develop a biblical philosophy for ministry to meet teenage needs in the midst of a changing culture.  It focuses on communicating God’s Word to today’s youth. It equips the student with skills for Bible study, lesson aims and applications and the use of various methods and technology to effectively communicate biblical truth.  2 hours

PTPT 301 Pastoral Theology

This course is designed to consider the man, ministry and motives of a biblical pastor. It provides the student with a broad knowledge of  principles, methods and styles. It helps the student to understand and apply effective leadership principles in his life and Ministry.  Emphasis will be placed on the pastor’s personal life, spiritual qualifications and attitudes for ministry and biblical models for a pastor. 2 hours

PTPT 302. Pastoral Theology

This course provides the student practical information and experience in regard to pastoring a church. The student learns how to develop a ministry, organize his work, set and implement ministerial goals, supervise a church staff, conduct weddings and funerals, lead the church ordinances of baptism and the Lords’ supper. He also learns how to conduct business meetings, revivals, missions conferences and ordination services, as well as organize new churches, solve church problems, promote special days and other related functions of the Baptist church. The student learns through a practical, hands-on approach where applicable. 2 hours

PTPT 401 Pastoral Theology

This class deals with the overall ability to plan, organize his plan and then implement that plan. Also the ability to work a staff constructively to accomplish those goals of the Church.  2 hours

PTPP  401. Practice Preaching

Each student obtains practical experience in the preparation and delivery of sermons. Each delivery is analyzed to enable the student to reach maximum ability. 2 hours

PTBC 402. Methods of Biblical Counseling

This course is a study of how to make counseling a vital and natural part of the local church, emphasizing the development of preventive programs. This course is intended to give a survey of counseling principles and needs. It will lay a foundation to help the student to better understand the issues he will face and how to use God’s Word to bring help to those who struggle with these issues. This will not be accomplished without careful self-examination; thus, the student will be encouraged to do self-counsel, learning how to take the Scriptures and bringing change to specific areas of need in one’s life.  2 hours

Practical Theology

General Studies

Church Children Education Ministries

The goal of these courses is to train staff personnel to minister in the setting of a local church. These

courses emphasize the practical workings of the ministry.

CEPW401 Pastor Wife

This course is intended for the woman who might become or is already a Pastors wife.  It is to enable her to feel confident in her responsibilities whether with her husband and children or leadership of the ladies in the Church.  It also deals with organizing and leading many other children ministries in the church.  2 hours

CECR 401 Computer Resources

This course teaches the computer concepts and application to a church environment.  2 hours

CELE301 Ladies Ethics

This course teaches discipling and training women of the church in a Christian life style, including conduct and relationships in all areas of the society.  Including friends and mate, both in and out of the church. 2 hours

CELE 302 Ladies Ethics

Continuation of 301 2 hours

CECD 201 Child Development

This course focuses on the study of children and their mental development.  The ability to communicate the scriptural truths to their level of comprehension.

CETT 201. Teachers Training

Using the classroom tools, the student learns the proper functions of standard visual aids. Provided tools include puppets, pocket charts, other display boards, interactive media, videos, flannelgraph, flashcards, dioramas and a variety of interactive visual aids for small children. 2 hours

CETT 202 Teachers Training

A continuation of 201  2 hours

CESSA 301. Sunday School Administration

This course is a comprehensive study of the Sunday school ministry with emphasis placed on the development of organizational and administrative techniques. Attention is given to recruiting and equipping workers for Sunday school growth. 2 hours

CESSA 302 Sunday School Administration

A continuation of 301  2 hours

CEPD 101. Pedagogy

This course provides the student with knowledge of basic teaching methods and the ability to apply this knowledge in the training of students and teachers. 2 hours

CEPD 102 Pedagogy

Continuation of 101  2 hours

CETW 101. Teaching Workshop

This course gives the student an opportunity to practice teaching and presentation skills as they apply to pre-school and kindergarten through 6th grades of the Sunday school and other church-related children’s ministries. Included are leadership and team building.  Also includes practical experience in developing a Bible-centered curriculum for middle school, high school and college age students. It advances teaching skills to impact students and seeks to integrate different teaching methods into a year-long curriculum  1 hour

CETW 102 Teaching Workshop

Continuation of 101  1 hour

CETW 201 Teaching Workshop

Continuation of 101-102  1 hour

CETW 202 Teaching Workshop

Continuation form 101  1 hour

CETW 301 Teaching Workshop

Continuation from 101  1 hour

CETW 302 Teacher Workshop

Continuation from 101  1 hour

Department of Missions

Missions Theology

Without missions, New Testament churches dissipate and theology stagnates. This course traces the scriptural basis of our mandate, message, methodology and motivation.

GSMI 301. Biblical Theology of Missions

This course is an introduction to the definition of missions and the scriptural basis of Christian missions. It is also a study of the scriptural functions and forms of ministry, with an emphasis on the local church. Attention is given to the philosophy and policies of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International Practical instruction inspires and stimulates creativity. While the message remains the same, the methods of ministry vary from place to place and time to time and culture to culture. Therefore, this course is meant to inspire the student with practical information which demonstrates that missionary work can be done and is being done. These practical studies can also stimulate the student to do some creative thinking.  He will be able to take what is working in one place and adapt it to the needs of another ministry in a different place. 2 hours

GSMI 302 Biblical Theology of Missons

Continuation of 301  2 hours

Department of Communication

General Studies Communication – English

The primary objective of the English Division is to train students in effective. It offers different courses from basic grammar and composition.

Upon completion of the curriculum, students should be able to:

  1. Speak and write the English language effectively through the use of refined communication skills and correct grammar.
  2. Write structured compositions.
  3. Understand and appreciate the content and the rich heritage of literature relative to the Christian experience and evaluate the merit of such literature as it relates to Christian values.

GSOR 101  Orientation

The student is given some practical information to enable them to conduct themselves in a way that helps them accomplish, mature and complete the requirements for graduation.  Included is time management, grading system and school expectations.  Also the teacher will endeavor to instill in the student a commitment to their studies for their future ministry and a desire to excel in their studies.  2 hours

GSEN 101. English Grammar

This course covers the basic principles of English emphasizing the following: parts of speech, mechanics, grammar, syntax and spelling. This course provides practice in writing various types of essays. 2 hours

GSEN 102 English Grammar

Continuation of 101  2 hours

GSEN 201. English Composition and Research

This course enables students who have completed GSEN 102 to become skilled in writing highly structured compositions. Students consider rhetorical matters and revise and edit their writing to be a clear, concise style. A satisfactory grade on form and style of the research paper is required for passing the course. 2 hours

GSEN 202. Writing

This course provides students with experience in writing, producing and promoting different forms of  communication. 2 hours

GSEN 301 Advanced Grammar and Writing

This course includes the learned skills which are applied to writing a thesis. This course is presented with an emphasis on the ability to research a given subject and then communicate that subject in a very understandable way.  He is then required to defend that thesis to an interrogating committee.  The purpose is to teach research and to understand that research and then how to communicate that in English properly.  2 hours

GSEN 302 Advanced Grammer and Writing

Continuation of 301  2 hours

GSPE 101  Personal Evangelism.

The student is given the principles and concepts of aggressive and personal contact with the purpose of confrontational soul-winning.  2 hours

GSPE 102  Personal Evangelism

The student is taught the practical methodology in accomplishing that soul-winninv  2 hours

GSMU 101 Music

This course is to teach basics of music including key board and note reading  2 hours

GSMU 102 Music

Continuation of 101  1 hours

GSMU 201 Music

In this course the student will progress to playing instruments, including guitar   2 hours

GSMU 202 Music

Continuation of 201  1 hours

GSMU 301 Music

In this course, the student with learn the basics of playing the violin  2 hours

GSMU 301 Music

Continuation of 301  1 hours

GSCH 301 Church History

This course concentrates on the event of the early years of the formation and development of the Baptist Church as a corporate organization, in function and growth.  It will also illuminate the student on the persecutions and trials of those were martyred for their believes and doctrine.  2 hours

GSGR 401 Greek Language

This course is to give the basic knowledge and understanding of Greek including memorizing vocabulary.  2 hours

GSGR 402 Greek Language

This course is a continuation of 401 with emphasis on writing and pronunciation of Greek  2 hours

GSPL 402 Philippine Law

This course deals with those laws that affect the pastor working with the church members and. Included are marriage laws, death issues such as wills and the event of discontinuing artificial life.

2 hours

GSPS 402  Public Speaking

This course is organized for ladies and intends to improve their ability to be used in areas of speaking in public venues that are appropriate for ladies in the church. 2 hours